Giving Back Program

Being A Good Neighbour

It is very important to all the team at HIS Solutions to ensure we continuously give back to those less fortunate than us. It is because of this we run our giving back program. We allocate a percentage of our time to worthy organisations, to help them benefit from the power of the web.

We offer high discounts or complete cover to charities and organisations who are making a positive difference in the world. If you have such an organisation, or an idea for a charity, whether based in Malaysia or abroad please get in touch!

We can help your organisation build a professional brand, create a fully functional website, and a creative marketing and social marketing campaign.


Every year, we carefully choose a recipient based on the following questions:

    1. What is the sole purpose of your non-profit organization or similar entity?
    2. How long have you been registered as a non-profit organization? During this time, how have you utilized the internet for your organization? Do you have a current website you've built? If so, what reasons are you seeking a newly developed site and what improvements to the new site will help your organization more?
    3. In what way has your organization impacted the local community in a positive way?

Would you like to be considered as a recipient for our annual "Giving Back" campaign? Contact us today for more information!

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